Quakertown Pilots Association

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FAA ReAuthorization Act of 2018

Good morning, all! There is a bill in Congress right now, for the restructuring of the FAA. The text can be found at https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/4/text, and there are articles about the ramifications in several sources. Here are a couple of articles about this year’s proposed reauthorization. Please comment if you have any knowledge about how this Act will affect general aviation.

The Washington Post: a pretty comprehensive article about how the reauthorization act will affect commercial travel, with some information on other areas.

govtrack.us gives a more comprehensive summary, beginning with information affecting grants for small airports, and noise reduction studies. The article continues with summaries of each title section addressed in the act (ie: Title II, FAA Safety Certification Reform; Title III, Safety)